
Every 5th day of October month brings with it the occasion to celebrate International Teachers' Day which globally all mankind resembles in honor of the day that forces in all directions. It is that day when the role played by the teachers for the well-being of the rest of humanity is discussed. The emphasis is steadily laid on not only the testimony of all good work done by the guardians of humanity but also the cleaning of the other blots on the other side concerning their problems and expectations.

History of International Teachers Day

International Teachers Day was created by UNESCO in 1994 and it celebrates the anniversary of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. This recommendation drew attention to standards on the rights and responsibilities of teachers in their professional development and working conditions. Eversince then, the commemoration of the day signifies the values of education and the key role that teachers will have on the children who shall take over the leadership mantle in future generations.

The Teachers: Beacons of Hope

Teachers are pillar figures in any society. They also do much more than the dissemination of knowledge alone; they motivate, mentor, guide, and lead students as far as they are capable of achieving good academic heights. From those nurturing the curiosity in the young ones to those building the modern rare breeds of absorbing leadership tests, teachers deliberate and build on many facets of life. They sharpen imagination, arouse logic, pave the way for the success of students, and ultimately build them for the next round into a varied life. An effective teacher incites a passion for learning oneself: laying the foundation for that global citizen who is well-informed, imbued with an empathic mentality, understanding of the ways of others, and cognizant of the interdependence of their world with the rest. 

The Global Impact of Teachers

Across the globe, no matter the region and socioeconomic background, every community is touched by the visible effects of teachers. Through an educator's lens and the lens of a social worker, teaching may be portrayed as dual. They teach in chronically under-resourced schools and sometimes even work in challenging conditions. Teachers are unflinching in their convictions, determined to devote everything toward increasing their students' well-being under dreadful environments where they may not have the slightest support to achieve the purpose of education and an average childhood to flourish.

What most people do not imagine is the multitude of difficulties teachers face in most parts of the world. In fact, they work long hours in many areas, often underpaid, stuck in the nonstop change that goes hand in hand with technology and world events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Celebrating Teachers: Ways to Show Appreciation

On this day, communities will express their gratitude toward teachers for their hard work and tireless service in guiding their students toward a better future. Here are a few meaningful ways in which teachers could benefit from recognition:

1. Thank Them: A teacher feeling undervalued will undoubtedly appreciate a thank you, no matter whether it is personal or in a letter.

2. Take a Stand for Teachers: Fair and adequate salary, professional development, and positive working conditions should belong to each teacher. Speak up in favor of policies that foster the development of teachers' workplace conditions.

3. Supporting Educational Initiatives: Provide funding for organizations or initiatives that champion the provision of resources and training for teachers, especially in poorer regions.

4. Raise Awareness: On social media, tell a few stories or share some information on why teachers are so important, so people can be reminded of their place in society. 

Moving Forward: Reimagining Education

International Teachers' Day has given a major emphasis, in recent years, to the paramount responsibility of transforming education and making brighter tomorrows. In an interconnected world, the role of teachers will evolve towards new instructional approaches and innovative use of technologies. The support and training programs for these valued persons should be in place and implemented well for them to thrive in this changing paradigm.


Teachers are, to say the least, a great asset to any society. They devote their lives to the instilling of knowledge, creativity, and growth within young minds. On International Teachers' Day, we will reflect on their work and push for reforms that will keep fueling their abilities as molders of generations. Let this day stand as a reminder that by empowering teachers, we invest in the future of humanity.